Parade Application

Thank you for your interest in the Snoqualmie Days Grand Parade! To apply, please read this entire page, fill out the form at the bottom and click submit! Application fees (if applicable) will be collected upon your application’s approval.

Parade Information

DateAugust 23, 2025
Mandatory Check-in/Staging9:30 am
Parade Start11 am
LocationDowntown Historic Snoqualmie, WA


The parade begins at the intersection of SE Newton Street and Railroad Ave. (Hwy 202), proceeding down Railroad Ave. until the end of the route at King Street.

Check-in will be located at Riverview Park.


The application fee is $10.00. No charge for non-profit parade participants.


I/We assume all risk of bodily injury or property damage that I/we may incur in participating in
the Snoqualmie Days Grand Parade. I/We hereby, for myself, my child, my heirs, executors and administrators do hereby, expressly and forever waive and release any and all claims against and agree to hold harmless the Snoqualmie Railroad Days Celebration, all Snoqualmie Railroad Days sponsors, the Northwest Railway Museum, and the City of Snoqualmie, their respective officers’, employees, volunteers, agents, representatives, sponsors, successors or assigns of any kind from any and all claims which may be made for any cause whatsoever arising as a result of or in connection with the participation of me, my groups, or my child in the herein mentioned event.

By signing your name at the bottom of this page you certify that you have read, understand, and agree to abide by the hold harmless agreement.


Judging will occur at the parade stage located at the intersection of River Street and Railroad Ave. In order to be eligible for judging or receiving recognition from the event emcee your application and script must be submitted by Friday August 8th, 2025.

What is the announcer going to call your entry as you walk by?
This can be a company, organization, or individual person.
The name of the person that we’ll be communicating with for all parade logistics.
Please list an email that is checked often by the main contact person.
If we need to get in touch with you on the day of the event we’ll use this phone number to contact you.
Our parade has awards and we want to make sure we can get them to you in the event that you are unavailable at the award ceremony.

Entry Specifications

To attach a photo or video use the “add media” option in the tool bar.
This doesn’t need to be exact, but a rough approximation is very helpful for planning.
*Animal / Equestrian entries, please be aware of the potential for loud noises; ie, truck, air horns. NOTE: Floats MUST provide a fire extinguisher.
Clear Signature
I agree to comply with all Festival, State and Local Regulations, and save and hold harmless the Northwest Railway Museum, the City of Snoqualmie, the Snoqualmie Days committee, officers, sponsors and agents from any loss or damage to any person or property caused by or the applicant’s operation in connection with Snoqualmie Days and further agrees to defend said Associations and City for any claims for such damage.
No payment is required at this time. Upon approval of your application we will arrange for payment by mail or at check-in.

Snoqualmie Days and the Northwest Railway Museum reserve the right to deny any parade application for any reason.